2022 01-16
Shortlisted Certificate Of The 8th “Governor Cup” Industrial Design Competiton Of Guangdong Province
The “governor cup” industrial design competition is the first one named after the head of government, which mainly take advantage of manufacturing industry in Guangdong province, the reform and development plan of pearl river delta economic zone and other strategies. all kind of enterprises ,designing institutions or colleges, and designers were invited to attend this big party. it aims to explore creative design, to build good designing atmosphere and to cultivate more industrial designing tale
2017 03-10
Golden Winner of CGD
China Good Design (CGD), organized by the Red Dot Design Award, was hold for international designing award in China. On May, 2015, Prof. Dr. Peter Zec, founder and CEO of Red Dot Design Award, made a big speech in Xiamen about the opening of CGD. Xiamen Ome Essen Design & Culture Co., Ltd. ,
2017 02-17
Outstanding Overall Perforamnce Award 2011
爱音乐,爱生活。 不得不说音乐在我们生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,和大家一样,作为一名音乐发烧友,我们追求的不单纯是一种声音,而是一种对艺术的渴望与享受
2017 02-02
Honorable Mention Of The 7th “Governor Cup” Industrial Competition Of Guangdong Province 2014
2017 02-02
Sound & Vision Panorama Editor’s Recommendation In 2015-2016
2017 02-01
Certificate Of Love 2012
Line Magnetic took part in the Shantou charity auction” heard love” on 8th Dec, 2012. to express its love to the society, It provided a vacuum tube integrated amplifier LM-219IA for free.